Google Customer Match

Google Customer Match Feature For AdWords Wondering what else to do with all those emails you’ve compiled over the years for your business? Your company continues to do what they need to do with emails and that’s to send emails out to your clientele to stay top-of-mind. Well, Google has a solution for your business. Welcome, for the first time ever, a function that allows businesses to target ads against customer-owned data through Google AdWords’ new feature – Google Customer Match. The Customer Match feature allows businesses to upload their

Major Core Google Algorithm Update

Google Had A Major Core Ranking Algorithm Update This Past Weekend What Happened With The Algorithm Update? Google pushed a core ranking algorithm update over the weekend, which affected web rankings based on core content. Meaning, the algorithm reviews the relative content on your site and matches the compatibility of the user’s search request. Webmasters and businesses may have noticed a change in their search rankings with their websites. Some possibly good and some possibly bad, but if you didn’t notice a change, that’s not a bad thing either. Are