Marketing Research : Buyer Personas

Advertisement   Have you noticed that your marketing initiatives aren’t going where you’d like them to go? The numbers you’re aiming for aren’t being achieved? This could all be resolved by creating buyer personas. Buyer personas make it simple to know who you’re targeting, how to target them and why they’re being targeted. By creating these personas, you can create marketing campaigns that will effectively gain the attention of your target audience.   What Are Buyer Personas? Buyer personas are personality attributes that can be applied to different consumers. They

Online Branding & Brand Consistency

Advertisement   Consistency is key when it comes to making sure that your brand is as visible as it can be. Without consistency, it’s hard to build your brand to be the best it can be. But what steps need to be taken in order to ensure consistency? Today The Geeks will be giving you tips on how you can make sure your brand is consistent in order to benefit your local visibility!   NAP You may have seen the acronym ‘NAP’ in business documents, articles or even just come