
Geek Blog

Through our informational, and motivational articles we hope to convey the Web Geeks founder’s values to our staff, clients and followers.


How SEO Can Impact Your Sales

  SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is what allows businesses to ensure better visibility and searchability. It can bring a lot more to your business than you can imagine, eventually leading to better sales and customer...

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How to Find the Right Web Design Company

  If this year has taught us anything it’s that a website is essential for running a business, any kind of business. That website design, however, can make or break your success. In a highly competitive business landscape, website design is...

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How Do You Create a Brand, Anyway?

  How Do You Create a Brand, Anyway? So you have a talent and you want to create a business out of it. That’s a great goal to have, but you cannot just throw this idea together and start making money tomorrow. You need to create a brand –...

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5 Tools to Effectively Manage Your Social Media

5 Tools to Effectively Manage Your Social Media Marketing Managing your social media marketing doesn’t merely consist of posting a few updates here and there and calling it a day. To ensure it grows your brand, it’s important to be organized and...

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