
An Introduction To Our Contacts Feature

Addresses, Phone, Numbers And Much More, All In One Place!

In this video Allie mentions surveys created with Web Geeks Marketing Platform, find the accompanying video Here


Hi, I’m Allie, our AI-powered, training personality.

Having a collection of contacts is vital to both the business and non-business world. Some people keep their contacts on their phones, some in their email, and some spread across many different applications. Wouldn’t it be great to keep all of your contacts in one place? A place where you can contact them by SMS, email, and instant messaging? Well, Web Geeks Marketing platform provides just that, a place to converse with clients and business associates, all in one place. However, that is not all that our marketing platform allows you to do. Our contacts section lets you hold far more information than any email or phone, contacts section! Here you can store detailed information on a client, and what services you are currently providing for them and a whole host of other information. Today we are going to go through a brief intro of the contacts section. Let’s get started!

To get to our contacts all we have to do is navigate over to contacts in the left-hand sidebar This will take us to our Contacts dashboard. Here you will see your list of current contacts. Just above your list of contacts you will find a toolbar with an array of various options such as: adding a contact, sending SMS and email, deleting a contact and importing and exporting contacts.

The next item in the toolbar is a drop-down list where you can customise what information is being shown to you on this page. If you open this menu you can see a list of checkboxes, where you can pick all of the additional details you would like to see on this screen. To find contacts faster, you can also search for a specific contact or apply filters to the list.

Let’s open up a contact and take a look.

Today, we are using the example of me, for our demonstration. So here I am, Allie Ayeye.

Let’s start off our tour in the contact section. Here you can see all the basic information about the person. So you have email (no fan-mail, please), phone number, date of birth, where the contact came from, and what type of contact they are. Underneath this section, you will find general info and additional info. These areas have been automatically populated, with questions and answers the client has filled out on a survey in our marketing platform. Follow the link found below this video, to find out more about survey creation.

As you can see, there are quite a few questions here, but it is possible to add many more questions, relevant to your business and client, the possibilities are endless! Below this, are other sections showing you what campaigns and workflows are in place , or any opportunities.

If we go back up to the top you can view any details available, about the contacts company too.

The section in the middle, allows you to talk to the contact via SMS or email, and over to the right-hand side you can see all of the pages they have visited, such as surveys or forms, etc. You can also create tasks and appointments, or add any notes about the client from this menu.

As you can see, our contacts section is a valuable resource! Especially when it comes to dealing with clients. It is not only a simple contacts application but a great resource for storing collected data to help you deal with your clients in a much more efficient way. We hope you enjoy the time you save, and how more efficient your business becomes, with this feature! Stay tuned, for more lessons on our contact section!