
Net Neutrality Rolled Back in the United States

  Net Neutrality or the open internet is the principle that internet service providers should give consumers access to all legal content and applications on an equal basis, without favouring some sources or blocking others. In the United States, the FCC recently...
Personal Voice Assistants & The Smart Home

Personal Voice Assistants & The Smart Home

Advertisement   With the improvement of voice assistant technology and an increasing amount of household devices being developed with wifi connectivity, we are living in the age of the smart home. Many tech giants are working on their own versions of this...
Smartphone Addiction is Real

Smartphone Addiction is Real

As humans become more attached to their smartphones, tablets & mobile devices, it becomes apparent that many people have trouble looking away from their devices and may have a smartphone addiction.  A recent article from eMarketer referencing a study from Deloitte...
Nintendo Switch: Console of the Future?

Nintendo Switch: Console of the Future?

Advertisement   I consider myself to be a pretty avid gamer, and one who has always followed Nintendo. I grew up playing Nintendo 64 with Super Mario 64 being the first game I completed 100% at the age of 7 years old. With that being said, the past two Nintendo...
Virtual Reality VS Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality VS Augmented Reality

Advertisement   At Web Geeks Marketing, we’re always staying up to date on the latest technology trends. Two pieces of technology that we’re very excited for in the future are augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) platforms. This new technology is no...