
Automation – Email Campaigns

Improving Your Email Campaigns With The Power Of Automation

To learn the basics about executing email campaigns on our marketing platform see our video Here.

For a deeper look into using the email builder to customise your campaigns please see the following video: How To Use the Email Builder


Hi, I’m Allie, Our AI powered, training personality.

Email marketing is a great tool for any business. However, how do you make email marketing even more powerful? Well, this can be achieved by the power of automation. When you run an email campaign consisting of many parts, wouldn’t it be nice to set it all up once and not have to think about it again? Instead of having to go back to it every few days or every week to schedule the next in the series of emails. Well, Web Geeks marketing platform allows you to do just that!

With the power of workflows, you can automate your email campaigns, and make sure that every one of your subscribers gets to view all of your content, no matter when they decide to sign up! Let’s see how it’s done!

Let’s get started,

To get to the workflow area, first you have to click on automations, in the left-hand sidebar. From here we are going to create a new workflow by clicking on the button at the top right of the screen. Then we are going to click on “start from scratch”. Which will open up the workflow builder.

First of all let’s name our workflow. I am going to call it “Web Geeks Tips and tricks”. To activate our workflow we need a trigger event. Most people sign up for newsletters via a form so lets click on the “add new workflow trigger” box, and search for “form submitted” in the pop up menu. Then click to program the trigger.

So, now we need to tell the system what form we would like to activate this workflow. So i am going to add a filter, then select “form is” from the drop down list. Then choose the form i would like to use in the box next to it.

Then, i just need to click on “save trigger” to add it into the workflow.

After this, i am going to add a tag to the contact. So when i look in my contacts area, i will know how they became a contact. So let’s click on the plus sign to add an action. Then in the search, i am going to look for “add contact tag” and select the tag i wish to give to the contact. then click save action.

After this, we are going to send an email to the contact to thank them for subscribing to the newsletter. So, i am going to click the plus sign again, and add in a “send email” action. Now you have two options, you can either, write this email out in the editor, or you can use a template you have ready-made for the occasion. I am going to select a template that i made earlier, from the drop-down list.

As you can see, all of the information such as “name” and “subject line” have already been filled in from the settings on my template. If you want to see how many people this email has been sent to, or other statistics just click on the stats tab.

All that is left for me to do, is click on “save action” to implement this step into the workflow.

If you were taking the alternative approach, where you decide to create all of your emails from scratch inside the workflow, you can head on over to settings at the top of the screen . Here you will find a place to input the senders name and details, which will then apply to all of the emails you create so you don’t have to type it in every time.

Then, if you are running a campaign that you think people may be a part of more than once, you can go up to the top of this screen, and click the slider next to “allow re-entry”. So for example, if your company is giving away a free resource, and the contact would like to download it again later on, this will allow them to do so.

Now that you have done that, let’s head on back to the builder.

The next thing we will want to do, is set up a wait step. A wait step allows a certain period of time to pass, before the next email is sent out. This is because you don’t want to deliver all of your content to an individual at once, that would make no sense at all. So let’s implement the wait step by clicking on the “add” action button again.

Here, we are are going to search for a wait step. You probably want to leave at least a day before you send out the first email, so lets set the time period to days and the wait to 1. Then click on “save action”.

Then the frequency of the emails you send out is all up to you. You may want to send out an email every few days, every week or even on a monthly basis. It all depends on the aim of your campaign, the needs of your business and the time you have to allot to creating your content.

I have a few templates already made, so let’s add in a few more steps so you get used to the process. So, first we click the “add action” button, then search for “send email” then add in the template you want for this email, or of course create the email manually. Then “save action”.

Then, we will add in a wait step, by clicking the “add action” button, then searching for wait then setting the time period and number of days. Then clicking on “save action”.

Then, you want to add in the next week of content, so “add action” search “send email” add in the template then “save action”.
Then you just rinse and repeat, until all of your content is inserted into the workflow or you have run out of time to create the next batch.

And remember, because you are adding in, for this instance, weekly wait steps, you have lots of time to create new content for the next week. Once you have done so, you just need to come back to the workflow and add it in. One of the great advantages to this system is that no matter when a contact joins this workflow, they will still start at the top, making sure they don’t miss out on any of your valuable content.

After you have everything setup, just click publish to make the workflow active within the system. And that’s it. With the power of automation you have just levelled up your email campaigns! Allowing you the time to concentrate your efforts on areas of the business where you are needed the most. You will soon come to ask yourself why you weren’t using features such as these, a long time ago!

Good luck with your newly automated email campaigns!